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Rutgers Communications and Marketing
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Rutgers Communications and Marketing

Greatest Strength


My Favorite Things

  • Movie: The Godfather
  • Book: The Rising Sun, John Toland
  • Band: Shannon and The Clams

Interesting Fact

Yes, but it’s a secret.

Hidden Talent


Greatest Accomplishment

Surviving NY and NJ traffic

Superhero Power & Team Name

  • Superhero Power: I can nap anywhere at any time
  • Superteam Name: The Unflappables

Team Slogan & Mascot

  • Team Slogan: Speed, agility, creativity.
  • Mascot: Chihuahua. Always.

What I Love Most

What I love most about my team: Talent and positivity

What I love most about R-Comm: The opportunity to do great work - together

What I love most about working at Rutgers: Supporting a world class public university

My Quotes

If I were being profiled by Rutgers Today, my quote would be: "We know what we are, but know not what we may be." — Hamlet

If I were being profiled by The Onion, my quote would be: "It doesn’t matter who thought of it first - it’s who thought of it second." — David Bowie