Mike Lucas
Attacking his editing, writing and SEO duties with rat-like determination (in a good way), Mike relishes spreading the word about our renowned state university.

What I Do
I edit and write articles about members of the Rutgers community and all the good works that come from this renowned state university.
Greatest Strength
A publisher once told me I had rat-like determination. (He meant it as a compliment.)
My Favorite Things
- Movie: Raiders of the Lost Ark
- Book: Dune by Frank Herbert, Circe by Madeline Miller and The Once and Future King by T.H. White
- Musician/Band: The Replacements
Interesting Fact
I'm an editorial cartoonist. One of my cartoons was on display at the Smithsonian in the early 2000s as part of an exhibit on Deep Blue, IBM's chess-playing supercomputer.
Hidden Talent
I can swap out a video graphics card in a desktop computer.
Greatest Accomplisment
Employing a few crucial search engine optimization (SEO) best practices into digital copy, including external and internal links, breaking up seas of gray (big clumps of copy) and embracing bullets.
Superhero Power & Team Name
My super power would be: Teleportation
My super-team name would be: The R-Commandos
Team Slogan & Mascot
My team slogan would be: "We came. We saw. We marketed."
My team mascot would be: A honey badger who gives a $%#&.
What I Love Most
What I love most about my team: The professionalism and the camaraderie.
What I love most about R-Comm: The can-do attitude and welcoming spirit.
What I love most about working at Rutgers: Every day is different.
My Quotes
If I were being profiled by Rutgers Today, my quote would be: "I draw, therefore I am."
If I were being profiled by The Onion, my quote would be: "Mistakes were made."