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Rutgers Communications and Marketing
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Rutgers Communications and Marketing

What I Do

From websites to signage to videos to Band-Aids (yep) and beyond the beyond: If you’re at a loss for words, I’m your guy.

Greatest Strength

I've been known to string together a good sentence.

My Favorite Things

  • Movie: Star Wars (the original and still the best)
  • Book: Superman in Hollywood by Jake Rossen, an exhaustively researched history of how the character has been adapted over the years
  • Musician/Band: The Beatles (but any classic rock will do)

Interesting Fact

On weekends, I sometimes review Blu-rays.

Hidden Talent

Mad karaoke skills

Greatest Accomplishment

I'd have to say any of our videos, since they require so many hours and so much teamwork.

Superhero Power & Team Name

My superhero power would be: To be a world-record TYPIST (with zero errors)

My super-team name would be: The Destroyers, because we crush all our assignments (too negative?)

Team Slogan & Mascot

My team slogan would be: "We got this"

My team mascot would be: A bulldog with a pencil behind his/her ear, plus a Wacom tablet and a camera (to convey strength, perseverance, and various skillsets)

What I Love Most

What I love most about my team: The way we all click together, how each does his/her part to create good work

What I love most about R-Comm: How positive and supportive we are toward one another, and how cheerful (Is that three things?)

What I love most about working at Rutgers: The respect that everyone gives one another

My Quotes

If I were being profiled by Rutgers Today, my quote would be: "Whatever Rutgers needs in terms of marketing and communication, we want them to know that we're here to help."

If I were being profiled by The Onion, my quote would be: "I just wanted to be able to say I went to Rutgers. Without, y'know, lying about it."